Image Diapo inicial
Image Consulting


We advise and accompany our clients in a series of phases to promote and successfully implement their change objectives from the people's perspective.

Image Training and development

Training and development

We train the skills and attitudes of different groups, carrying out face-to-face and/or online training, through our purpose adapting to the skills identified by clients.

Image Selection of professionals

Selection of professionals

We help in the search for those professionals who will carry out their work in the best possible way, adapting to the culture and objectives of the company.

  • Business Change Management

    In Gestión del Cambio Empresarial we support and help change of the company to adapt to new market needs while both takind advanteage of opportunities and ensuring the success and the future of the company, all through consulting, training and recruitment.

  • business strategy


  • business training


  • virtual campus training and courses


  • workers selection


  • internal communication inside the business

    Internal communication

  • business organization


  • man  in front of the computer
  • We know and learn and with that, we move forward

    In 2002, 20 years ago, we started a path in Gestión del Cambio Empresarial, which has led us to today, helping people, and therefore companies, in knowing where we should go, and how to address that change needed to achieve what is intended. We give them the knowledge and train them in putting into practice the necessary skills to tackle that change.

    Easy access to knowledge, together with sharing that knowledge with others, wherever they are and in real time, is giving humanity a huge boost, moving it forward as never before in its history.

    Certainly, along with the invention of the wheel, the computer, and the creation of networks of connected users, have been the greatest revolutions in human history. Thanks to technology, today's ordinary citizens are increasingly aware of what interests us.

    Thank you very much,

    Jordi Servat

    Consultant and founder of Gestión del Cambio Empresarial

Image logotip lidl
Image logotip pfizer
Image logotip seat
Image logotip mango
Image Logotip nespresso
Image logotip roca junyent
Image logotip leroy